You know, the cork in the sea that floats and is reactive to the movements of the water. This metaphor, which I’ll explain here in a moment, is what I used during one of my speeches during the WEF conference last week in Birmingham, UK.
The international event lasted two full days and brings together people from all continents of the world. WEF stands for Women Economic Forum, is founded and led by women in India, yet it welcomes men just as much as women. (website WEF)
Their conferences are held in major cities world wide and it was the fourth time I attended and spoke for them. During the last event, I received the ‘’Woman of Excellence’’ award which made me very proud.
In Birmingham, the conference was held in a big temple, beautifully decorated tables, chairs and a large brightly colored stage. A large audience of men and women with different backgrounds and professions attended both days, creating an amazing networking event.
Remember my last blog about ‘’building your tribe’’? Well, this is such a good example, because I observed everyone talking to each other (I love observing :)). Some people came to me, either to comment on my speeches, or ask questions, and I also connected with other entrepreneurs and speakers. My intuitive feeling tells me pretty quickly when my energy goes up or down when talking to someone. That’s exactly how you can select your tribe; add people to your circle that lift you up and give you energy, and step away from those that you feel is not helping you forward. Read more about it here.
The pictures show you my tribe in action. Existing and new friendships developed during the event. But there’s more, in fact, I co-authored the non-profit book ‘’BreakThrough’’ with 16 other women leaders around the world. We share our secrets of growth, happiness and bouncebacks, and all proceeds go to charity.
This proves that a tribe has no boundaries. We all connected well, collaborated and energy flows through time zones via whatsapp and emails.
The above picture is with Pat Duckworth, Pat helps women at midlife to control their menopause symptoms and get back to living the lives they deserve. (Pat’s profile here)
The below picture is with other amazing ladies including my new friend, the lady in blue, Michelle Araujo, Psychic, Counselor and Tarot Practicioner (here). Other amazing ladies were Cora Cristobal all the way from Canada, and Lynn Hope Thomas (UK).
I love using images in my speeches to clarify the message I wish to share. One topic I spoke about was ‘’Overcome the Fear of Failure and Take Control’’, which is where I mentioned the cork in the sea.
You can take control of your life because you are responsible for your choices and decsions, nobody else. You are the director of your own movie, your life.
And you cannot control the circumstances, but you can control your reactions and behaviors to any situation. So, do you want to be the cork in the sea? The cork is RE-active to the movements of the water, OR, do you want to be PRO-active and not let circumstances guide you?
*** You can watch my speech here, Take Control NOW: ***
There’s more!
You can achieve your goals, if you overcome your thoughts of fear of failure, fear of making mistakes. Our thoughts are often holding us back and the cause of being stuck in life.
My other talk was titled: Create a holistic mindset and re-invent your Inner Strengths,where I discuss more about our thoughts that often block us from reaching our dreams.
*** Reinvent Your Inner Strengths. You can watch it here. ***
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Staying positive,
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