Hey There,
When was the last time you challenged yourself?
I asked myself that same question, and 2 weeks later….
Guess where I’m writing you from? It’s a country in Europe…..
It has a beautiful scenery with lots of nature and mountains, and it’s called Switzerland.
What am I doing here?
I’ll tell you now, but make sure to keep reading, because I have a big announcement at the end too!
Adventure and settle in Switzerland
When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?
That’s the question I asked myself and that’s when I took on a challenge for myself again, packed my bags and left to Switzerland. Never been there before, don’t know anybody there, and now I’m here for 5 weeks!
Is this a holiday? Nope! I’m doing this not only to challenge myself, but also to help people, like you, who decide to live abroad and then feel overwhelmed and uncertain in an unfamiliar place.
I decided to show you how to settle in in a new country and how to make friends and connections very fast. The first 30 days are crucial in adjustment, overcoming any shock and actually start to feel good and feel home.
Settling in shouldn’t take years, but with the right steps and tools, it’s easy to feel happy abroad.
You can find my full playlist of 30 days in Switzerland right here
Meanwhile, here are just a few one-minute video’s from the list. Click on each image to see the video:
Day 1: Discovering Switzerland
Day 2: Meeting people in Switzerland
Day 7: The supermarkt challenge in Switzerland
The full 30 days can be found here
Did you make the decision to move? Congrats! Here’s a free video course on how to settle in, meet people, and create an amazing experience EASY! |
Questions, comments and shares are very welcome!
PS: You know anybody who just moved abroad? Gift them this free course to settle in easily!