by admin | May 21, 2021 | Article
Passion to Career You want to find a career you love. But what is your ideal career? Here’s how you can find out. 💥 How can you figure out what to do with your passion and turn it into income. You watch other achieve their dream life and wonder how they do it....
by admin | May 9, 2021 | Article
Manifest Your Miracles The miracle equation can transform your life if you make 2 important decisions. Only 2 decisions can change your life completely. 💥 They are the real secret to manifest your goals, These 2 decisions are the Miracle Equation, These are the real...
by admin | Apr 30, 2021 | Article
The ABC of Your Goal ✨ Having goals in life is great, but if you don’t have the right goals, you could be climbing the wrong ladder. You could be achieving a goal that doesn’t fulfil you. So what is the right goal? In this video I explain the ABC goals...
by admin | Apr 16, 2021 | Article
Can’t afford to leave your job ✨ You hate your job but you can’t leave, you may think, I want to quit my job, but I need the money, so I can’t afford to leave 😢 ….well….let me tell you: You CAN leave. I talk to people all the time who...
by admin | Mar 19, 2021 | Article
Remove Guilt & Worry ✨ Why do we feel guilty so often or dwell on the past? Why is it so difficult to make certain decisions? Many people spend large amounts of time consuming their precious time with two useless thought patterns: Guilt and worry. Guilt is in the...
by admin | Jan 15, 2021 | Article
How to Become a House Sitter ✨ How can I afford to travel the world? Accommodation is the most expensive part, especially if you like a comfortable place and not a room where you think ”oh no, I need to get out of here” 😉 🌟 You may have noticed I travel...