How to Make New FRIENDS Anywhere

How to Make New FRIENDS Anywhere

‘’It’s not what you know, it’s WHO you know.’’ Where do you meet new people? How do you start a conversation with a stranger? Who do you add to your circle or tribe? I learned exactly how to do this easily, and that’s what I want you to experience as well. Every time...
Ugh, I’m having the Worst Day | How I survived.

Ugh, I’m having the Worst Day | How I survived.

I woke up today feeling fine and expected my day to flow nicely. However, my day soon shifted away from the flow, because: 1. I stepped into the car to drive the usual highway, which just today was blocked off. Resulting in a bunch of detours and extra time, 2. I...
Fear of the Unknown. Own Your Life

Fear of the Unknown. Own Your Life

How often do you think about changing your life? You imagine yourself happy, fulfilled, maybe living in a different location, a different career, or with different people, and then suddenly you come back to reality….and… your dream remains… a dream. Why?...
How to Make New FRIENDS Anywhere

How to connect and network with people Anywhere

Are you connecting with people? Is it easy for you? Are you talking to the right people? If you want to create a lifestyle doing what you really love, do you practice networking? As I was speaking for the Women Economic Conference in Portugal (WEF, Tomar), I realized...
Why Travel Solo? This is What You Should Know.

Why Travel Solo? This is What You Should Know.

Want to travel solo? You’re not the only one. People ask me ‘Why are you traveling solo? Aren’t you lonely? Scared? Is it safe?’ It can be scary traveling alone, especially when you’ve never done it before. But, if you keep putting off your trip, because you’re...
How you can change your life for the better

How you can change your life for the better

Are you waiting for great things to happen to you, or are you CREATING great things?   I believe in creating your life and achieving your dreams, and not waiting for life to just happen to you. Many of us have excuses ”I’m too old, I’m too busy,...

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