The Plan To Quit Imagine handing in your resignation letter.Saying goodbye to your boss.Finally time for YOU, your path, your journey. But what path will you take? Google Maps How do you find your directions in Google Maps? You type in the destination and your...
Remote & Flexible What if you could work from anywhere in the world, no more office job, no more working 9 to 5, and have more TIME, FREEDOM and MONEY!👇 Flexible Work and Schedule Working from anywhere, working from home, remote work, flex work, …. so...
You Qualified To Leave Stop learning more. Stop thinking you need to learn a new skill before you can leave your 9-5A common question to ask when you want to quit your boring job, is:”What will I do instead?”Most people think they need to learn a new...
ARE YOU CHOOSING THAT JOB? I alwasy thought I had NO choice, I thought I had to stay in that job, Whether I liked it or not, But I felt so STUCK! Are you feeling stuck in daily rut?Did you know you are choosing it? 🤔 MAKE THIS CHOICE If you’re feeling stuck in...