
My TEDx talk: Your next step

It’s my pleasure to share my first TEDx talk with you. (Video and Audio file.)

I talk about how you can take steps to achieve your dreams and make the changes in your life to become who you want to be.

TEDx mp3

TEDx mp3

You can also download the mp3file  here

  • What will you be doing in 10 years?
  • Where would you like to be?
  • What is keeping your from achieving your dream or goal?

    Some of us have dreams and goals, yet don’t know how to achieve them. Some of us are stuck in their daily life and belief they can never change. I had those feelings too, but I achieved my dreams and I keep having new dreams. How did I achieve them? In this talk, I go through the steps you can take to achieve your goals and stay motivated.

Remember to use your experiences, good and bad, as lessons towards your future.

What is Your next step?


Who is Rachel:
Rachel is Author, Speaker and Trainer.
My book: “Awaken Your Confidence: 15 People Share Their Journey to Success”, available on Amazon

Don’t hesitate to get in touch: 

Check out my latest online course: Tools to overcome your fear and take control:

Please comment and share as much as you like.

Thank you very much!



If you want to make a change in your life, it’s never too late.


Life changes and so can YOU!!!

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